Hardware manufactures, software developers and IT companies rely on Lingua Graphica’s twenty years of experience to translate and localize their international materials. We offer on-time and on-budget translations and localization services for the fast-paced IT sector. Our service offering covers all IT specific needs, ranging from the translation of user manuals and guides to complete software localization solutions, course-wares, e-training, presentations, end-user agreements, amongst others.
Getting to Know You
The highly demanding Information Technology industry requires not only exceptional language skills, but also in-depth knowledge of your products and services. At Lingua Graphica Translations we work side-by-side with your developers and engineers to ensure nothing gets “lost in translation”. If needed, we can help you improve your original content before starting the translation and localization process.
Complete language solutions for every need
During the project preflight and preparation process, we verify all your content in order to detect and fix any possible issue, preventing them from propagating into the translated versions. Keywords and company related terminology is extracted to develop a project-specific glossary ensuring consistency and accuracy in the translated documents. For more information on our multilevel translation process please click here.
With our highly specialized team of technical writers and translators, Lingua Graphica can process all of your translation requests in any language and format. Each translator and writer goes through a strict selection process before being assigned to any project.
- User Manuals and Guides
- Online Help
- UI
- Software Documentation
- Software Localization Services
- End User License Agreements
- Course-wares
- E-Training
- Telecommunications
- VoIP Systems