Going Global
If your website is monolingual, you are probably limiting your business to its local market. With its top of the line web globalization and translation services, Lingua Graphica Translations can help you reach international markets and improve your global web presence.
Website localization (also called localization) implies more than text translation. Lingua Graphica Translations will make sure that your site is culturally suitable for your target audiences.
From Source to Source
Websites are composed of several interacting elements, such php, css, java, databases, images, and multimedia files, just to mention a few. An error in one file will most likely result in several pages not displaying properly, or worst, not displaying at all.
Managing all the web components for proper globalization could be overwhelming. However, it’s much easier than it sounds, and we are here to help. A good CMS (Content Management System) allows, among other things, to export all of your content in one file, which we will process and prepare for translation. After translation has been completed, the content file will be imported into your CMS in as many languages as you required.
Web Globalization Process
Ensure your content and design has been developped to be easily adapted to other languages and regions, such as support of other writting systems as right-to-left. Use an universal character set as Unicode to ensure proper characters display Special support may be required for other writing systems. Chinese, Japanese or Korean can be written vertically, whilst Arabic, Hebrew or Farsi can use left-to-right and right-to-left in the same line. Symbols and icons may have different meanings in different countries, the standard check mark which means "OK" or "correct" in many countries means exactly the opposite in Japan, and a circle should be used instead. Once you have determined which sections of your website you need to localize we will perform an automated analysis using specialized CAT tools to determine the total word count, repetitions and other text variables. This report will be the basic tool to create the project flowchart and determine the cost of your project. A web localization team will selected to match every specific need for your project, such as target language, subject expertise. But most importantly, besides language and subject expertise, each member of our web globalization teams have vast experience on the technical aspects of html, php, and web content. Usually complex and large projects require teams of several translators. To ensure consistency in terminology and style throughout, Lingua Graphica Translations will develop a project-specific Glossary and Style Guide for your specific target markets. The use of CAT tools (Computer Assisted Tranlation Tools) are not automated machine-translations. They are computarized systems that allow us to store every single string of text that we translate into a Translation Memory (TM), which is basically "translations-database". This means consistent terminology throught your project, leverage of repated text, and easy and cost-effective site updates. Translation of main text, content, menus, navigation items.
In some cases your media files may need to be recreated or changed to be culturally suitable for the your target markets.
Video Subtitling: Our video-subtitling specialists will create perfectly sychronized subtitles for your videos. Optionally, we can create voice over audio files, however, although a excellent solution, voice-over process is more costly thant subtitling or captioning. Media containing text, such as infographics, images with captions, graphic banners, etc., are edited in their native format and the corresponding text is translated into the target languages. In some cases media files may need to be recreated or changed to be culturally suitable for theyour target markets. Finally, if your site includes videos, our subtitling specialists will create pefectly synchronized subtitles for your video files, or voice over audio files can be created for each target language. For more information on subtitling, please visit our Subtitling page Similarly to every translation project, all content is reviewed and proofread to by a second linguist ensure error-free text. For more information on Lingua Graphica stringent translation process, please visit our Translation Process page. The hidden content, such as meta tags, are an important part of the web globalization process and their localization is necessary to ensure, among other things, that your globalized site will have good rankings in the target regions. CSS styles may need to be adjusted for the target languages. Language support will be added in necessary JS and PHP files among others. SEO optimization for target region:The fact that your site may rank perfectly well in your home country does not mean that it will benefit from the same rankings in other regions. Your SEO strategic will need to be optimized for each target region. After translation and editing has been fully completed we will replicate your site localy in each target language for functionallity and layout testing. During this phase, our web specialist will verify that every component of your website is working properly, hyperlinks, js, styles, layout, navigational items. During this second-stage testing, our in-country editors will review your site online for a final QA Linguistic Testing as to ensure that an error free content. After completing the QA testing your localized site will be moved to your live servers.
Site Internationalization
Target-Language Specific Layout
Content Analysis and Report
Globalization Team
Glossary & Style Guide
Translation Memory Set-Up
Content Translation
Text Translation
Localization of Graphics and Other Media
Editing Reviewing
Meta Tags/CSS/ JSS/ Optimization
Local Testing
Remote Testing
Go Live
Site Internationalization
Target-Language Specific Layout
Content Analysis and Report
Globalization Team
Glossary & Style Guide
Translation Memory Set-Up
Content Translation
Editing Reviewing
Meta Tags/CSS/ JSS/ Optimization
Local Testing
Remote Testing
Go Live